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We are the Market Leader in Dust Control Spare Part Supply

The importance of British here at Dust Spares

The importance of British here at Dust Spares

Proud to be British

We’re proud to be a part of the strong name that UK manufacturers have. Building on the world-wide reputation for delivering such high standards in products.

We know and understand that, even in this ever changing world, British made is very much sought after.

It’s a reputation built around high standards and great quality. A reputation the country has held for centuries and collectively we are striving forward to make even bigger strides and positive impacts.

Part of our mission is to offer businesses new and old here in the UK, the best value for money and top quality products to help you get the Job done. All with the best customer service we can provide. Safe in the knowledge and trust that your dust spares are perfect for the job.

British made Partnerships

With our 20+ years in the industry we are pushing forwards to forge more partnerships here within the UK. Two of our most recent partnerships are Nordfab and Codel.

Nordfab offers “the World’s fastest ducting”, with decades of engineering to offer you everything you need in the world of clip ducting. This partnership allows us to offer you both Spiral ducting and clip ducting.

Codel offer a great value dust monitor that reduces and controls emissions on site. It’s a compact, robust, affordable and accurate dust monitoring system that provides real time results.

We work with many UK manufacturers and great companies to offer you the right parts for the job.

Trusted by the best in British

Being a family run business our selves we understand the importance of keeping business personal.

People are the foremost focus. Focusing on you (our customers) and our staff has always been our number one priority and we will continue to do that.

We are proud to have the opportunity to work with companies of all sizes, and to be trusted by companies large and small.

Many house hold names right through to hobbyists and smaller family run businesses trust us with their dust spares needs.

So thank you.

Importance of being British

It’s important to many of you, as it is for us, that we source UK made products where we can.

60%+ of all stock at Dust Spares is British manufactured. We are proud to be adding more items to our range and strengthening our British made offerings as we expand year on year.

It’s important to us that we are to support the British economy as much as possible. In turn offering you the fastest turn around times, and lowering the import taxes on items again being able to offer you the best value possible.

We appreciate your support and look forward to another 20+ years making the best of British.

Team Dust Spares.