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We are the Market Leader in Dust Control Spare Part Supply

Flexible ducting for Ferrets? | Dust Spares

Flexible ducting for Ferrets? | Dust Spares

This weeks blog is another one from the You ask we answer series… With a twist (and a turn and a climbing ferret – but we’ll get to that shortly).

As you know we recently launched the 3m lengths of Flexible ducting.

This is a good news story about a creative way of using it.

Jake – Head keeper at Tropiquaria Zoo saw a gap in the market. Well a gap in the Zoo’s climbing areas and pet enclosures.

Built as primarily a rescue centre for animals it’s now becoming more of a retirement home for them. https://www.tropiquaria.co.uk/

The team have, over the years, re-homed several homeless ferrets and needed to improve their enclosure.

We’d previously helped Jake and the team at Tropiquaria Zoo kit out their cafe with ducting (a fairly standard job).

Then during the latest lockdown Jake called with a rather interesting request.

Something he said that we “should bare with me on this one”. We were intrigued.

Ferrets and Flexible ducting

He was thinking of buying something for the animals this time. Perhaps they’d seen the ducting and dreamt of such a structure to play in, only Jake and the team knew for sure.

What better way than ordering some see through Flexible ducting from Dust Spares!

Your first thought too, right?

Their two main reasons were:

1 – It’d be fab to have them run round the bends and use as a climbing frame.

2 – So guests (and staff) can enjoy watching them when they’re racing through the tubes!

The team tried it out and felt that the PU Flex was flexible enough to do a tight spiral and the Polyurethane is strong enough to keep them from damaging it with their nails.

Now, looking at the image. We have a feeling this might either be one super long (new species of ferret) or two ferrets perfectly captured, but can’t quite be sure. If you’re to find out for your selves then go visit their website here. Better still, visit the zoon and let us know your findings.

The ferrets were the 1st in the zoo to try the flex out, and because of the success, they will be rolling it out to the meercats and mongoose at a later date too.

Which is great news!

It’s been great to see the Flex at places like this, we’ve also spotted the Dust Spares Flex at theme parks around space themed rides and other places you may not expect to see it.

It’s brilliant to see people get creative with uses of everyday items like this.

Below is a small 60 second video showing many of the animals at the park. It’s great to see the zoo open again after such a period of time closed to the public.

Thank you for reading the Good News story, to buy Flexible ducting now and make your own, equally important structures click here.

For another link to the zoo click – Tropiquaria Zoo - https://www.tropiquaria.co.uk/